Serious Sam 2
Serious Sam 2 is a continuation of the legendary third-person shooter starring the legendary serious Sam. As before, you will find yourself in an endless fight... Read more
Overdose – a number of improvements and additions

This mod brings a lot of changes: -Added bullet holes; -New weapons such as: The gun from the first Sam, a double-barreled shotgun, a Zombie Broker shotgun, etc.; -Some levels have been redone, for example, there will be more trees and enemies in ...
Serious Mod is a meatier game

The mod allows: Use weapons together (for example: Uzi and Minigun); Dead enemies remain on the ground; Uzi and Colt models have been replaced; Changed camera; And much more. Installation: 1. Copy the file Serious_MOD.gro to the d ...
Pack of classic enemies

This pack was originally developed as a resource for my map, but... it remained without a purpose. The pack contains the following new opponents - Headless rocket man - Headless Demoman - Headless kamikaze - Headless grenade launcher - Gnaars - Cu ...
All NPCs are dinosaurs

This mod replaces ALL NPCs with dinosaurs. And now I’ll tell you a little about their AI 1. They are still divided into two genders: wives and husbands. Females are stronger than males because they are bigger and stronger. Females have 10 times mor ...