Shadow of the Tomb Raider is an action-adventure game with a third-person perspective that tells the story of Lara Croft's new adventures. Lara must... Read more
In the archive "save_sottr_condemned123.7z" step-by-step saves of the game Shadow of the Tomb Raider
+ texts: “Walkthrough”, “Where to find a shotgun”, “Where to find a master key and a jumar”, “Tombs”, “Tests”, “How to solve a riddle with Mayan numbers”, “Archivist maps”, “Monoliths”, “Side quests” ", "The Geographer's Backpacks", "Crypts and Sarcophagi", "The Secret of the White Queen".
Save path ------>
C:\Users\User\Documents\Shadow of the Tomb Raider\292733975847239680
tabla - "CPY" {CONSPIR4CY}
Completed the story (overall progress 86%)
There are 83 checkpoints in total.
В архиве "save_sottr_condemned123.7z" поэтапные сохранки игры Shadow of the Tomb Raider
+ текстовики: "Прохождение", "Где найти дробовик", "Где найти отмычку и жумар", "Гробницы", "Испытания", "Как решить загадку с цифрами майя", "Карты архивариуса", "Монолиты", "Побочные задания", "Ранцы географа", "Склепы и саркофаги", "Тайна Белой Королевы".
Путь сохранок ------>
C:\Users\User\Documents\Shadow of the Tomb Raider\292733975847239680
табла — "CPY" {CONSPIR4CY}
Пройден сюжет (общий прогресс 86%)
Всего 83 чекпойнта.
Useful links: