Games Sniper Elite V2 Files Savegames Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [All Versions] [GRIZZLY]
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [All Versions] [GRIZZLY]
1494450295_sniper_elite_v2_save_100_by_grizzly.zipDownload 285.43 kBArchive password: vgtimes
1: Story campaign completed 100%.
2: DLC mission completed.
3: All bottles found.
4: Collected all gold bars.
5: All weapons available.
Win7: x:/Users/{User Name}/AppData/Local/SKIDROW/63380/
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Сохранение / SaveGame (Игра пройдена на 100%) [All Versions] [GRIZZLY]
1: Сюжетная кампания пройдена на 100%.
2: Миссия из DLC пройдена.
3: Найдены все бутылки.
4: Собраны все золотые слитки.
5: Доступно всё оружие.
Win7: x:/Users/{User Name}/AppData/Local/SKIDROW/63380/
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