Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (2008)
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows is an action game with a third-person view. Spider-Man is looking for Mary Jane in New York, which is infested with people infected with... Read more
Scarlet Kaine Suit
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Spider-Man: Web of Shadows "Scarlet Kaine Suit"
Cain was the first successful clone of Peter Parker,
created by the Jackal, but due to irregularities in the cloning process,
he was left deformed and mentally unstable.
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Scarlet Kaine Suit (Алый паук Каин)
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows "Scarlet Kaine Suit" (Алый паук Каин)
Каин был первым успешным клоном Питера Паркера,
созданный Шакалом, но, в связи с нарушениями процесса клонирования,
он остался деформированным и психически неуравновешенным.
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