Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (2008)
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows is an action game with a third-person view. Spider-Man is looking for Mary Jane in New York, which is infested with people infected with... Read more
HD Red Suit V6 & Full Black Suit

This mods gives the red suit a brighter color, And replace the purple tint for the black suit with pure black! Unpack and install via "Texmod"! Remember to give me credit before using this for your videos. Update 1: Health and powerbar wer ...
Stealth Suit

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows "Stealth Suit" Costume from the movie "Spider-Man: Far From Home" Unpack and install via Texmod.
Black Scarlet Spider Cain

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows "Black Scarlet Kaine Suit" This is a continuation of my Scarlet skin. Changed it to a black suit. There are two files in the archive: Black only and Black + Red Unpack and install via Texmod.
University Empire State (University Costume)

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows "University Empire State" (University Costume) Costume from "Marvel Spider-Man" Unpack and install via Texmod
Electro-Proof Suit

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows "Electro-Proof Suit" This suit was created by Spider-Man to protect himself from the villain Electro Unpack and install via Texmod
WOLVERINE X (OS2000 style)

The skin replaces Wolverine's usual costume with a costume in the author's style.
First handmade suit (OS2000 style)

This author's skin was made with diligence and in his style. History: The spider bit Peter Parker, after which he gained incredible abilities, and he wanted to show them in the fight against the strongman. And Peter thought of making a suit, and he ...