Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 03/12/2022]

  • Star Dynasties — Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 03/12/2022]
Author: gideon25
Size: 18.87 kB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: March 13, 2022, 12:08 PM
Downloads: 220

Money ~ Infinite money

AP ~ Infinite Action Points

Happiness Massive ~ Lots of happiness

Approval Massive ~ Lots of approvals

House Member Limit Massive ~ Large limit of guests

Vassel Limit Massive ~ Many servants

Massive Wealth ~ Lots of money

Remove Sickness ~ No sickness

Stats ~ Edit stats

House/Character/Family Creation Hack ~ Character and House Creation Editor

Startup process:

1. Launch Cheat Engine, "Load" and select table

2. "Select a process to open", select the desired process.

3. Select the desired option and check the box.

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Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 12.03.2022]

Money ~ Бесконечные деньги

AP ~ Бесконечные очки действия

Happiness Massive ~ Много счастья

Approval Massive ~ Много одобрений

House Member Limit Massive ~ Большой лимит постояльцев

Vassel Limit Massive ~ Много слуг

Massive Wealth ~ Много денег

Remove Sickness ~ Без болезней

Stats ~ Редактировать характеристики

House/Character/Family Creation Hack ~ Редактор создания персонажей и дома

Процесс запуска:

1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу

2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.

3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

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