Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is a continuation of the multiplayer online shooter with a first-person view in the Star Wars universe. The game features a full-fledged... Read more
New attacks for Leia

PM IA Leia Skywalker. I was disappointed with how Leia had Rey's attacks, which felt out of place. It would have been much better to give her the Anakin/Ahsoka/Starkiller attack animation.
Improved Anakin

Better Anakin. This mod changes Anakin's lightsaber to red and adds the lightning stun ability. Not multiplayer!
Luke Skywalker's New Abilities

Luke Skywalker offline abilities. Adds frenzy, freeze, pull and push to Luke. Features: - Adds madness at 20 meters 160 damage/hit 80% damage reduction, 360 pull, 360 freeze, 50 meter full push, damage increased to 240, damage reduction 99%. - He ...
Co-op available solo
The mod changes the cooperative mode - now you can play it alone, without having to connect to the network.
Vader Abilities for Count Dooku (arcade only)

The mod replaces Count Dooku's abilities in arcade mode with Vader's abilities (strangulation and rage).