Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is a continuation of the multiplayer online shooter with a first-person view in the Star Wars universe. The game features a full-fledged... Read more
Darth Vader from the animated series "The Clone Wars"

Darth Vader Clone Wars S7. This mod replaces the original Vader with his image from the 7th season of the Clone Wars. Features: - Customized / modified meshes, as well as textures. - Customized star maps. - Vader's sword is replaced with Ahsoka's ...
Clone scouts without camouflage

Camoless Clone Scouts. This is a small mod that removes the camo for all clone scouts in the game. Now they will turn completely white with traces of dirt.
Death Star Soldier

Death Star Trooper (ISB Replacement). This mod replaces the ISB agent with a Death Star soldier. The model is made in excellent quality and has detailed textures. The soldier also fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the game.
DC15a blaster instead of CR-2

CR-2 to DC15a swap. This mod replaces the model, sound and color of the CR-2 blaster with a DC-15a. Only changes visuals and sound, so it should be safe for multiplayer play. But, as always, use at your own risk.
Female Jedi

female jedi or sith twi'lek with double bladed purple lightsaber. This mod replaces Darth Maul with a female Jedi/Sith and adds a purple double-bladed lightsaber. The character model is made in excellent quality and has detailed textures. Not recomme ...
Pajamas for Ray

Rey Sleepwear. This mod replaces Rae's standard outfit with white pajamas. The textures of the new model are made in excellent quality and fit into the atmosphere of the game.
Pink clones (212th battalion)

Pink Clones (212th replacement). This small mod replaces all the skins of the 212th Assault Battalion with the 81st Pink Platoon. Safe to play online.
Duck soldiers

Duck Troopers. This mod changes the standard coloring of stormtroopers making their armor look like a duck. They will become a little like first order paratroopers.
Stable Blade for Kylo

Stable blade for Kylo. This is a mod that makes Kylo's lightsaber stable by replacing the sound and removing the two small blades. Lightsaber sound effects have been replaced with new ones to suit the stable blade. Not recommended for use online.
Mythical General Obi Wan Kenobi

Mythos General Obi Wan Kenobi. This mod replaces all three Obi-Wan skins with three different Mythic General Kenobi skins. Safe for online use. Features: - Replaces Obi Wan's default mesh and textures to resemble the new General Mythical Kenobi fi ...
New haircuts for Luke

Luke's New Haircut Collection. This mod gives you the ability to change Luke's hairstyle. All hair is of excellent quality and fits into the atmosphere of the game. Safe for multiplayer use.
Leia without a vest

Adventure Leia without the Vest. This mod changes Leia's standard adventure style look by removing the vest. The model fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the game.
Stormtrooper Luke

Stormtrooper Luke A New Hope. This mod replaces Luke's appearance (from the planet Hoth) with his Stormtrooper armor from A New Hope. The model is made in excellent quality and has detailed textures.
Big Ewoks

Big Ewoks. This is a small mod that changes the size of Ewoks, making them giants. Safe for multiplayer use.
Improved lighting

Y wing's lighting rework. This mod changes the lighting of several maps (Naboo, Kashyyyk and Scarif). Features: - Scarif will look more vibrant. - Kashyyyk is a little brighter than before. - Sunset Yavin looks brighter.