Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is a continuation of the multiplayer online shooter with a first-person view in the Star Wars universe. The game features a full-fledged... Read more
With Catan

Bo Katan S7. This mod replaces Leia Organa with Bo Katan from Season 7 of The Clone Wars. Features: - Fully customized meshes and textures. - 9 customizable star maps. - Own voice lines. - Own gun. - Own portrait.
Obi Wan Kenobi from the animated series "The Clone Wars"

Clone Wars Obi wan Kenobi. This mod changes the standard Obi Wan skin to the new one that was in the Clone Wars animated series. Safe for multiplayer use.
Captain Phasma without helmet

Helmetless Captain Phasma. This little mod removes Captain Phasma's helmet and finally reveals her face, which is well crafted and highly detailed.
Commander of the 212th assault battalion

212th Commander. This mod replaces Obi-Wan's General Kenobi skin, giving him a Phase 2 Clone Trooper helmet and some yellow markings on that helmet and body. This mod is inspired by the 212th Assault Battalion (the army Obi-Wan commands), hence the y ...
DC-15A blaster from the movie "Star Wars"

Movie Accurate DC-15A Blaster Carbine. This mod changes the textures of the DC-15A blaster carbine to match how the weapon looks in the movies. Changes: - Darker material - Ring sights and cartridge holder for filming - Fine metal wear and scr ...
Hask instead of Eden

Hask over Iden. This mod replaces Eden with Husk from the single player campaign. Voice lines are also disconnected, a new identifier and a new portrait are added. Safe for multiplayer.
Stormtroopers from Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Force Awakens Stormtroopers. This small mod replaces the standard skin of the First Order stormtroopers with their image from the movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Safe for multiplayer, but not recommended for online use.
Phantom Trooper

Ghost Trooper Mod (White Death Trooper). This mod allows you to play as a white Ghosttrooper instead of the classic black one. The model is made in excellent quality and has detailed textures. Safe to play online.
Mandalorian abilities and weapons

The Mandalorian abilities and weapons for finn. This mod makes the following changes for Fin as the Mandalorian: the laser pistol is replaced with a sniper rifle; destruction ability; Isb scanner was enabled instead of average ability; Melee attacks ...
The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian - Mank and CubicTitan. This mod adds The Mandalorian from the series of the same name to the game. He replaces Finn. Features: - Two new skins. - Custom blaster reticles. - New portrait. - Own animation.
ARK attack aircraft

Arc Trooper Replaces ISB Agent. This is a small mod that replaces the ISB agent with an Ark stormtrooper. This mod only changes the mesh and textures of the hero.
Son of Mortis

The Son of Mortis. This mod replaces Count Dooku with the son of Mortis from the Clone Wars cartoon series. The mod will also replace the color of lightning with red, and the laser sword with a dagger. It includes custom voice lines and more.
Shadow Troopers

First Order Shadow Troopers. This mod changes the First Order Assault Squad (Heavy, Specialist, Flamethrower, Jet Trooper and Sith) to a Shadow Trooper. Also makes their weapons black. Safe to play online.
Captain Cardinal

Captain Cardinal. This small mod replaces Phasma with Captain Cardinal. The glow is not exact, but it looks good. Safe to play online.
Clone 332 Legion

Playable 332nd Company. The 332nd Company was an infantry unit in the Grand Army of the Republic that was formed during the final years of the Clone Wars and was informally known as Ahsoka's clones. You can tell these clones apart by the distinct ora ...