Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is a continuation of the multiplayer online shooter with a first-person view in the Star Wars universe. The game features a full-fledged... Read more
Classic sound NT-242

Classic NT-242 Sound. This small mod replaces the sound of the NT-242's shot with the sound of the DXR-6 destruction rifle from Jedi Outcast / Academy.
The new voice of Count Dooku

Sir Christopher Lee's Count Dooku. This mod completely revises all of Count Dooku's voice lines, replacing them with the voice lines of the legendary Sir Christopher Lee. These lines were carefully isolated and hand-edited to remove background sounds ...
New voice of Vader

Extreme Immersive Vader Voicelines. This mod changes Darth Vader's default voice lines to new ones that match those in the films. This will give you a more immersive experience.
New voice of Palpatine

Extreme Immersive Palpatine Voicelines. This mod changes Emperor Palpatine's standard voice lines to new ones that match those in the films. This will give you a more immersive experience.
Battle cries for clones

Clone Emote Changer. This mod changes some emotes for clones to battle cries for better immersion. Changed emotions: "Facepalm" "Flirt" "I Give Up" "Injured" “Its A Trap” "Kaboom" "Lose" "May The Force" "Rancor" "'Win" "You Were Chosen"
New Anakin Skywalker lines

Anakin Skywalker - Custom Voice Lines. This mod adds new phrases for Anakin Skywalker. However, he does not affect standard phrases and emotions. New phrases: - My powers have doubled since the last time we met. (ROTS) - Don't make me kill you. (R ...