Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – a new chapter in the history of "Star Wars", a canonical story from Disney, EA, and Respawn. As a young padawan, the player will have... Read more
Tifa instead of Kal

Replaces Cal's head with Tifa's. The facial animation works, but can sometimes look a little weird.
First Order Soldiers

Imperial troopers to First Order troopers. This mod turns Imperial soldiers into First Order soldiers. This mod does not require any other mods to work. This is a rough mod as this is my first real mod, sorry about that. Installation: 1. Download ...
Kyle Katarn

Kyle Katarn. Replaces Cal's head with Kyle Katarn's head. Model inspired by Jason Court and Jedi Academy.
Kylo Ren (The Rise of Skywalker)

Kylo Ren(Rise of skywalker). Play as Kylo Ren from Episode 9. To put on the cape, simply use the first poncho. Also, the cloak file is a separate file so you guys can have the cloak for other mods.
Red Stormtrooper

RedStormtrooper. This mod simply changes the stormtrooper's equipment to red. Just place the file in Paks Order of Jedi Fallen Order or just use Vortex
Cannon Jarrus

Kanan Jarrus. This mod replaces Cal Kestis with Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi Knight from the Rebels series.
Son of Dathomir

Son of Dathomir - Taron Malicos Replacer - Darth Maul. This is a stand-in for Taron Malicos, modeled after Maul at the time of JFO - I've done my best to be canon accurate. Features: - Reshapes and retextures Malicos' body to be more muscular and ...
An exosoldier

The Exotrooper. Replaces stormtroopers with what I call exotroopers. Features: - Exotroopers have dark armor, painted blue and light gray. - Their helmet has silica oxalate lenses, which provide optimal focusing and accuracy when aiming.
Project Blackwing

Project Blackwing. This mod will replace the zombie nightsisters with a stormtrooper with new textures. Two versions included: - Canon: Undead Troopers (green rot and blood) - Legends: Death Troopers (blood and gore)
New costume for Cere

Cere Alternate Outfit. Give Cere a new look, with or without a helmet. To install, extract one of the .pak files of your choice from the .zip and move it to /Jedi Fallen Order/SwGame/Content/Paks.
Luke Skywalker

The Prodigal Son - A Luke Skywalker Head and Lightsaber Replacer. This mod replaces the main character's head with Luke Skywalker's head. The kit includes two .pak files, one for the face and one for the lightsaber replacement.
Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves. Play as the legendary Keanu Reeves. This mod replaces the main character Cal with Keanu. The model is made in excellent quality and has its own animations.
Kylo Ren

Kylo Ren (The last jedi). Play as the commander of the first order. This mod replaces the skin of the main character with Kylo Ren.
Jyn Erso

Jyn Erso outfit. This mod replaces the main character with the Jyn Erso skin from the movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Stories". The model is made in excellent quality and has its own animations.
Corrupted Malicos

Corrupted Malicos. Reworks the texture of Malicos, improving its appearance. Gives Malikos dark side tattoos, brushing, cuts, Sith eyes, etc. In the end, Datomuar was not kind to him. Staying in such a dark world for many years can drive a person cra ...