Conservation (1st year, autumn, there is a wife Abigail, a daughter, with all residents a maximum of hearts)

  • Stardew Valley — Conservation (1st year, autumn, there is a wife Abigail, a daughter, with all residents a maximum of hearts)
Author: sheldon69
Size: 213.26 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: March 25, 2020, 03:11 PM
Downloads: 1231

How to install:

1) unzip

2) transfer the contents to folder C (or D):\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Saves

3) Play

A little about the save:

The club has been restored, instead of Joja March there is a cinema, wife Abigail, daughter, in the first stage, the farm has been cleared of all garbage, with all the residents having as many hearts as possible, there are a lot of tokens in the casino, the house has been completely pumped up.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение (1й год, осень, есть жена Абигейл, дочь, со всеми жителями максимум сердец)

Как установить:

1) разархивировать

2) переносим содержимое в папку C(или D):\Users\ИМЯ ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Saves

3) Играйте

Немного о сейве:

Клуб восстановлен, вместо ДжоДжа марта кинотеатр, жена Абигейл, дочь, на первой стадии,ферма очищена от всего мусора, со всеми жителями максимально сердец, токенов в казино очень много, дом прокачан полностью.

Useful links:

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