Files for Streamer Daily / Savegames

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Saving (158k subscribers, saved interior, 999k bitcoins, 4k money, 1.5k popularity, all skills pumped in)

Saving (158k subscribers, saved interior, 999k bitcoins, 4k money, 1.5k popularity, all skills pumped in)
Author: Nasty1
Size: 7.64 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: March 18, 2020
Downloads: 549
Comments: 0
Download Streamer Daily game save. I tried to find skill points and bring them to the maximum, but it didn’t work, but in other categories everything was at the maximum. Since I tested the PC and launched a stream on it, it is a little shabby, you can replac ...

Save (Everything completed, purchased, best PC, 155k followers + 500k money + 999k bitcoins)

Save (Everything completed, purchased, best PC, 155k followers + 500k money + 999k bitcoins)
Author: Nastya Nazarova
Size: 3.01 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: March 8, 2020
Downloads: 747
Comments: 0
Download Installation: Transfer to My Documents ---> Streamer Daily ---> Saves ---> Your save (you must already have some game saved to replace Karakter there)