Save / SaveGame (Completed all missions and tests, opened all titles)

  • Street Fighter X Tekken — Save / SaveGame (Completed all missions and tests, opened all titles)
  • Street Fighter X Tekken — Save / SaveGame (Completed all missions and tests, opened all titles)
  • Street Fighter X Tekken — Save / SaveGame (Completed all missions and tests, opened all titles)
  • Street Fighter X Tekken — Save / SaveGame (Completed all missions and tests, opened all titles)
Author: Ross_R
Size: 3.66 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: May 14, 2019, 02:31 AM
Downloads: 300

100% preservation for the PC version of SFxT. All missions completed with gold. The archive contains two files:

Saving in the Game folder - the SFTK folder should be placed at C:\Users\Username\Documents\CAPCOM

Profile in the GFWL folder - the XLive folder should be placed at C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft

With all other versions, work is not guaranteed, but it is quite likely.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение / SaveGame (Пройдены все миссии и испытания, открыты все титулы)

100%-ое сохранение для ПК-версии SFxT. Все миссии пройдены на золото. В архиве два файла:

Сохранение в папке Game — папку SFTK нужно поместить по адресу C:\Users\Username\Documents\CAPCOM

Профиль в папке GFWL — папку XLive нужно поместить по адресу C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft

Со всеми остальными версиями работа не гарантируется, но вполне вероятна.

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