Subnautica is a single-player adventure set in a vast open world, with a first-person perspective, survival elements, and sandbox features. Playing the game will... Read more
Infinite batteries

Original title: Expensive Infinite Batteries. Batteries are practically endless, but very expensive. Battery capacity: 999999999999. Crafting a battery: 3 ion cubes, 2 rubies, 2 uraninite, 1 kyanite, 2 deep mushrooms, 2 nickels, 1 diamond, 1 blue a ...
More fast slots

Original title: More Quick Slots (BepInEx). This mod allows you to customize the number of fast slots. Also prevents pick-up items from automatically filling slots. How to run: 1. Install BepInEx (version 5.4.21 recommended) 2. Run Subnauti ...
Change in water level

SeaLevelMod. Dynamically set the sea level in Subnautica using console commands, or even change it over time! Examples: sealevelspeed sets the sea level target. Examples: sealevelchange adjusts the sea level relative to its current level. Example ...
Improved Recipes

Better Recipes. Reworks some recipes such as Titanium Ingots, Plasteel Ingots, Advanced Wiring Kits and more. For the mod to work you will need: - QMOD - CUSTOMCRAFT2 (CC2) - SML HELPER
Flashlight for "Crab"

PrawnsuitLightSwitch. Press Q to turn the lights on or off while in the Crab Suit.
Sonar for Cyclops

CyclopsNearFieldSonar. Adds a mini sonar display. Also replaces the Cyclops hologram with a more accurate model.
Cheat manager

CheatManager. CheatManager is a simple GUI window for handling console cheat commands and many other options. Opens with the key (default: F5 ) to get the mouse pointer, press the key (default: F4 ). Features: - switching all game modes (freedom, ...
Automatic protection of "Cyclops"

Cyclops Auto Zappers. Automatically protects your Cyclops from hostile predators and parasites. Whenever a hostile target comes within range to attack Cyclops, the auto defense system automatically attacks the aggressor.
Place objects straight

SnapBuilder - Snap-to-Grid for Subnautica. Finally, we can create perfectly aligned and rotated elements. Fully Customizable - All key bindings and binding options can be configured in the mod's options menu. By default, binding is enabled when the m ...
Laser cannon "Cyclops"

Cyclops Laser Cannon. When this module is inserted into any upgrade console slot, the Cyclops will become a deadly military submarine with Precursor technology. The module can be found in the Cyclops manufacturer (if you analyzed the alien rifle)
Resource sharing during scanning

DrillableScan. This mod separates the large stockpiles of resources in the scanning room from regular resources, so you can choose to search for only one of them.
Recycling in one click

Defabricator. Recycle any item in one click. How to use: When the maker/craft menu is open, press the Jump key, a recycling menu will pop up where you can recycle items. Default bindings: Spacebar for keyboard and Y for Xbox controller.
Running with tools

Running With Tools. Have you ever been wandering around in the dark, trying to explore, and you needed to run, and every time you do, that flashlight disappears, throwing you back into the darkness, forcing you to walk so you can see again. Well, not ...
Pause in PDA

PDA Pause. When you open the PDA, the game is paused.
Moving to the side on the Cyclops

Cyclops Strafe. Adds control over Cyclops' movement. By default, press Shift + (A or D) to move sideways.