Subnautica is a single-player adventure set in a vast open world, with a first-person perspective, survival elements, and sandbox features. Playing... Read more
Running With Tools. Have you ever been wandering around in the dark, trying to explore, and you needed to run, and every time you do, that flashlight disappears, throwing you back into the darkness, forcing you to walk so you can see again. Well, not ...
In-Game Data Bank Displays. Shows data bank data in your photo frames. This is a set of pictures I made from the databank entries for each creature that can be used in a picture frame in the game. Once installed, you can simply go to any picture fram ...
QuitToDesktop. A simple mod that adds a "Exit to Desktop" button to the pause menu. To install, simply copy and paste the QuitToDesktopBZ folder into SubnauticaZero/QMods.
Deep Engine MK1. This mod allows the user to build a DeepEngine on or near a base, producing energy based on depth. Features: - Produces energy due to depth pressure. - Built outside and around your base. - Can connect to devices and power transmi ...
Below Zero Enameled Glass. This mod adds a recipe to the base materials that allows you to create Enameled Glass using the recipe from the game Subnautica Below Zero. This mod does not remove the original recipe, but creates a new one that allows you ...
Coffee Sound Fix. This is a small mod that corrects the sound when drinking coffee. It used to be a weird crunching sound, but now it will become a realistic drinking sound.
FabricatorNoAutoClose. This is a small mod that prevents the fabricator from automatically closing after you move away from it. Now closing occurs by pressing the shift key.
Socksfor1's Subnautica Mod. This mod replaces all creatures in the game with various popular characters. This mod completely breaks the atmosphere of the game and makes it too funny. How about Shrek the Leviathan. You can adjust the volume of all add ...
Cyclops Docking Mod. This mod adds a new building module that will allow you to dock the Cyclops directly to your base. To dock, just swim close enough and the autopilot will do everything itself. Once connected, it will be recharged from your base. ...