Subnautica is a single-player adventure set in a vast open world, with a first-person perspective, survival elements, and sandbox features. Playing the game will... Read more
Thermal reactor for "Moth"

Seamoth Thermal Reactor. This part contains a thermal reactor for the Moth so it can charge itself in lava biomes.
Cyclops hull reinforcement module

Cyclops Hull Reinforcement Module. Adds a Cyclops Hull Reinforcement Module that halves all Cyclops damage while equipped. For the mod to work you will need: SMLHelper, QModManager, MoreCyclopsUpgrades.
Hands for "Moth"

Seamoth Arms. Hands can be selected using the default buttons "O" for the left hand and "P" for the right hand. Only one hand can be used at a time. If a hand is selected, it can be activated with the left mouse button.