Supermarket Simulator
The player controls the store. First you need to arrange the retail space by arranging shelves, counters and other interior items. Then you will have to receive the... Read more
Goods from Russia

Updated 03/22/2025 Mod for Russian goods and currency Installation: download the file download textreplacer download Bepinex Transfer the downloaded file along the following path: Supermarket Simulator/Bepinex/Plugins/Texturereplace.
Removing doors

This is a very simple mod that gets rid of the front door to the store and the door to the vault (assuming you have purchased the vault).
Fast self-service checkout

Speeds up the scanning process at self-checkout. How to run: unpack to this path BepInEx/plugins.

Customers have the opportunity to tip the hired cashier.
Income from satisfied customers

Receive additional income depending on the number of satisfied customers. How to run: unpack to this path BepInEx/plugins.
Automatic removal of price tags

Automatically removes price tags from shelves without boxes.
Easy rack filling

Adds a button next to the checkout button in the Market App that will fill your cart with exactly the number of boxes needed to fill all your racks. How to run: unpack BepInEx/Plugins to this path.
Free cash desk

This is a simple but effective mod that will allow you to call customers already in line to another checkout. Just press X (customizable) to call the buyer. How to run: unpack BepInEx/Plugins to this path.
Stop the storekeepers

This mod causes vendors to stop and remain motionless wherever they are currently until you tell them to move again. Default keys: F1 to stop refilling; F2 to resume replenishment.
Throw boxes anywhere

This mod allows you to throw boxes wherever you want, no more of this nonsense like “you can’t throw here.”
Pause for storekeepers

This mod allows you to stop the refills from working by pressing the pause key on your keyboard. The replenishers will finish the task they are currently performing, and then return outside and wait until you unpause. To install you will need Melon ...
Smarter storekeepers

Changes the behavior of stock replenishers to reduce the number of half-filled boxes in your storage. Features: when grabbing a box from the rack, instead of the last added box, the one with the least amount of goods will be grabbed; if you h ...
Free flight

This mod allows you to fly freely. You need to press F (customizable) to switch between flying and walking.
Placement of signs

Allows you to place signs in your store with inscriptions on which you can indicate anything you want. How to use: By default, pressing F7 to create a new sign anywhere will immediately pause the game and allow you to enter the sign's text in th ...
Exact furniture placement

Adds anchor points when arranging furniture, allowing you to place it more symmetrically. ToggleSnap: A keybind used to toggle snap mode on/off in the game (default: Z). ToggleCoordinates: Key binding to toggle display of coordinates in game (d ...