Supermarket Together
A supermarket owner simulator that can be played alone or in a group of up to 16 people. Gamers need to establish trade in their store, expanding the range to 49... Read more
Fewer thieves

With this mod you can reduce (or increase) the frequency of visits from shoplifters. Setting: ShopliftersSpawnRateMultiplier: spawn rate multiplier for shoplifters (value from 0 to 1 for less frequent spawn, 0 to disable spawn and 1 for stand ...
Fewer duplicate clients

With this mod there will be less chance of encountering doppelgängers again. The game has a limited number of models (56 in version 0.5), this mod ensures that new customers will be unique or at least the fewest in the store. No setup required. ...
Wholesale purchase

Adds a button to the manager board that adds one box of each type to the shopping list. It also adds a button to add one box of each item that is less than 40 in stock. And finally, it adds a button to remove all items from the cart.