Cheat Mod (Cheat Menu) [ Store]

  • Surviving the Aftermath — Cheat Mod (Cheat Menu) [ Store]
Author: BoehserOnkel
Size: 1.03 MB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: May 27, 2021, 12:16 PM
Downloads: 373

Activation of the Cheat menu: replace GameMain.dll in the directory "Surviving The AftermathAftermath64_DataManagedGameMain.dll" with what you downloaded. (Make a backup of the GameMain.dll file)

Activate the cheat menu using F10.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Чит-Мод (Чит-Меню) [ Store]

Активация Чит-меню: заменить GameMain.dll по директории "Surviving The AftermathAftermath64_DataManagedGameMain.dll" на то что скачали. (Делайте бэкап файла GameMain.dll)

Активировать чит-меню с помощью F10.

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