Tales of Arise
Tales of Arise is an action-adventure role-playing game with a third-person view in the Tales of series. The game will tell you about the planets Dana and Rena. The... Read more
Dragon Slayer sword for Alfen

Dragon Slayer from Berserk for Alphen. “Dragon Slayer” from the manga “Berserk” for Alphen replaces “Dull Sword” How to install: 1. go to the Program Files folder 2. create a folder called mods 3. Extract the zip file inside the folder. ...
Paddle instead of Kisara's club

Kisara's club but its a yaoi paddle. Replaces Kisara's baton with a yaoi paddle. Only a cosmetic change.
Link's Master Sword

BOTW Master Sword. This mod adds a new sword from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to the game. To install, place the pak file in Steam/steamapps/common/Tales of Arise/Arise/Content/Paks/ ~mods.
Hide Alfen's swords in a holster

Hide Holstered Swords - Alphen. Hide Alphen's swords in a holster behind your back. Swords reappear when used. 2 options, both can be installed together: - Hide regular swords - Hide the flaming sword
Sword "Uprising" from Devil May Cry 5

DMC Rebellion over Blazing Sword. Replaces the Flaming Sword with the Uprising from Devil May Cry 5, it glows too!
Sword from the game DOOM

The DOOM Slayer's Crucible - Alphen. Replaces the Flaming Sword with a sword from the game DOOM. There are 2 versions available: - Always on. - Turned off in the holster (turns on when in use).
Longsword and Excalibur-style Fire Sword

Alphen - Excalibur Style Long Sword and Firesword with Cross Guard. Borrowed the sword I made for Kisara and modified it for Alfen (a little longer, thinner, brighter). Installation at this path /steamapps/common/Tales of Arise/Arise/Content/Paks/~mo ...
Blunt and fire swords instead of Vholran katana

Vholran Katana Swap For Dull And Fire Swords. A simple replacement for the Vholran katana with a blunt and fire sword. To install, place the desired pak file in /Tales of Arise/Arise/Content/Paks/~mods.
Improved Red Rose Sword and Night Sky Blade

Red Rose Sword and KoB Night Sky Blade. A simple retexture of the new “Blue Rose Sword” and “Night Sky Blade” from the SAO collaboration DLC.
Sword of the Lich King

Frostmourne Lich King's Sword. Replaces the Alphen swords and Fire Blade with the corresponding colors! Installation in this path / Tales of Arise / Arise / Content / Paks / ~ mods.
Sword from the game Soul Calibur

SCVI Soul Edge. Soul Edge sword from the Soul Calibur series. So, to use this mod, you must first unlock the Machete Carrot skin. Complete quests at the ranch to unlock it. Installation in this path Steam/steamapps/common/Tales of Arise/Arise/Content ...
Weapons from the game Sword Art Online

SAO Weapon Pack Teaser. This set gives you 3 swords: one in 2 variants (of 5), one in 1 variant (of 4) and a katana (1 variant of 5), all of which replace the Rusted Sword slot for Alfen. Installation in this path / Tales of Arise / Arise / Content / ...
Rengoku Sword

Rengoku's Sword. Replaces the fire sword and blunt blade! Installation in this path Tales of Arise / Arise / Content / Paks / ~ mods.
New weapon for Kisara

New Weapons for Kisara. The new weapon replaces the “Shield of the Old Guardian” and the corresponding armor retexture. Installation in this path / Tales of Arise / Arise / Content / Paks / ~ mods.
Master sword instead of dull sword

Master Sword Over Dull Blade. This mod replaces the master sword with a blunt sword. To install, unpack the archive into the mods folder.