Tales of Arise
Tales of Arise is an action-adventure role-playing game with a third-person view in the Tales of series. The game will tell you about the planets Dana and Rena. The... Read more
Black hair - Alfen

Black Hair - Alphen. Makes Alfen's hair and eyebrows black.
Subtle makeup - for girls

Subtle Makeup - Girls. A subtle makeup effect for every girl with a light blush and delicate lipstick.
Permanent blush - for girls

Permanent Blush - Girls. A lasting blush effect for every girl.
Kisara - naked and sexy

Kisara - Nude and Sexy. This mod completely undresses Kisara. Installation at this path /steamapps/common/Tales of Arise/Arise/Content/Paks/~mods.
Flowing hair (with physics) for Shionna

Free-Flowing Hair (with Physics) - Shionne. Loose hairstyle for Shionne with working hair physics. A simple version is available that replaces the braided ponytail. There is also a version available that changes all tiaras. You can install both versi ...
Shionna's improved hairstyle

Shionne SW-IVY Hair Cleanup (Premium Costume DLC). Remove the gold spiral design and fewer strands from the ponytail, and change the color of the hairband. 1st option - without spiral ornament, 2nd option - without spiral ornament and strands of hair ...
Used condoms - trophies

Kisara – Bikini Used Condom Trophies. This is Kisara, proudly wearing the trophies she's won from her admiring legion of fans on her bikini suit! Comes in 9 options - all 3 bikini colors. Installation in this path Tales of Arise / Arise / Content / P ...
Naked and sexy Kisara

Kisara - Nude and Sexy. This mod completely undresses Kisara. Installation in this path / Tales of Arise / Arise / Content / Paks / ~ mods.
Long braids Rinwell

Longer Pigtails - Rinwell. Replaces Rinwell Type C braids with longer braids.
Shionna's hair dyeing

Palette 2 Update Shionne Hair Pack. This mod dyes Shionna's hair all the colors of the rainbow. Installation in this path Tales of Arise / Arise / Content / Paks / ~ mods.
Makeup Kisary

Kisara Makeup. More feminine makeup for Kisara. Installation in this path Tales of Arise / Arise / Content / Paks / ~ mods.
Makeup Rinwell

Rinwell Makeup. This mod puts a new makeover on Rinvell's face. Installation in this path / Tales of Arise / Arise / Content / Paks / ~ mods.
Shionna's Makeup

Shionne Makeup. This mod changes Shionna's makeup to a more realistic one. Several options included.
Curvy Kisara

Curvy Kisara. I applied my Curvy preset to Kisara, so you will see that her proportions have become "improved". Expect clipping issues during animation. She's not supposed to have melons like that. Installation in this path Tales of Arise / Arise / C ...
Shionna's Enhanced Face

Shionne-Kisara-Rinwell Face Edits. A simple retexture of Shiona's face. Features: - Brows; - Makeup; - Eye color. - Black hair