Tales of Arise
Tales of Arise is an action-adventure role-playing game with a third-person view in the Tales of series. The game will tell you about the planets Dana and Rena. The... Read more
Arabic costume for Shionna

Shionne Arabian Nights. Want a Princess Jasmine outfit for Shionne? Look no further, your wish is my command! Comes in 8 tantalizing colors, and each outfit features a unique gem from the cave of wonders! To install, place the pak file in Steam/steam ...
Butterfly wings and crown

Butterfly Wings and Crown Mod. Edits accessories for the crown and butterfly wings. The crown now has no top, and I added rainbow and green colors for the wings. The wings are modular, so choose which original color slot you want to replace. Also inc ...
Girls are bunnies

Bunny Ladies. Bunny costumes for Shionna and Kisara. Updated with open versions. Replaces farmer's clothing. To install, place the pak file in Steam/steamapps/common/Tales of Arise/Arise/Content/Paks/ ~mods.
Guys are rabbits

Bunny Dudes. Bunny costumes for Alfen and Dohalim. Nude versions and with underwear. They replace the farmer's suit. To install, place the pak file in Steam/steamapps/common/Tales of Arise/Arise/Content/Paks/ ~mods.
Link and Urbos costumes

Link and Urbosa Costumes for Alphen and Kisara. This mod adds new costumes and weapons from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to the game for Alfen and Kisara. Note! Kisara only has one mace to replace, so if you want to use the sword in my fil ...
Zhongli outfit and staff for Dohalim

Zhongli Outfit and Staff for Dohalim. Zhongli polearm and costume for Dohalim. Replaces Dohalim's Shogun Regalia A outfit with Zhongli's outfit from Genshin Impact. Replaces the Tenebris Supreme Staff with the Zhongli weapon from Genshin Impact. Cont ...
Aogami Dohalim

Aogami Dohalim. Aogami costume from SMTV for Dohalim. 3 additional hair color options included. Features: - The Aogami file replaces the "Holiday Outfit", for which you will need several owls and a straw Shoreman hat. - The file marked "Default" ...
Megumi cosplay for Rinvell

Megumin Cosplay for Rinwell. This is a Megumi costume mod that includes the costume, hair, eyes and hat (hat requires dlc). Replaces the standard Rinvell costume.
Costume 2B for Shionna

Better Shionne 2B. This mod replaces Shionne's standard Noble Blossom costume with the 2B costume. The author changed the physics of the skirt, textures, and slot for the suit.
Improved Alfen Suit

Dragon of Calaglia Alphen. This mod creates a complete retexture of Alphen's school costume to make it look more authentic and original.
Kisara - black widow style

Kisara - Black Widow style. After a few recolors and ultimately being disappointed with the results, I realized that once the camo was removed, there simply wasn't much detail to speak of on the fabric areas of the garment. So, I heavily reworked the ...
Improved armored suit for Shionna

Action Taimanin Asagi Armored costume. This mod replaces Shionna's Noble Scarlet Costume with a new version with big breasts and a nice butt. The model fits perfectly into the game world and has high-quality textures.
Dark Shogun Dohalim

Dark Shogun Dohalim. This mod creates a darker retexture for Shogun Dohalim's costume. The mod does not change the general atmosphere of the game and does not affect other modifications.
Dark Tengu Suit

Nyotengu Rinwell. This is a small mod that makes a dark retexture of the Tengu suit for Rinvell.
Shionna's revealing costume

Skimpy shionne premium dlc Costume. This mod replaces one of Shionna's premium costumes with a new version that is more revealing and sexy.