Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge is an arcade side-scrolling retro co-op beat 'em up fighting game set in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe... Read more
Additional cameos
Extra Cameos. Additional cameos by Irma, Blodgett and the incredibly handsome Channel 6 news anchor. How to use: 1. Unpack into the main game folder 2. Run the installer Extra Cameos.bat 3. Enjoy
Beautiful PlayStation buttons
PSX Color Buttons. Nice looking colored PSX buttons. How to use: 1. Unpack into the main game folder 2. Run “Install PSX Buttons” 3. Enjoy
Slash instead of Leonardo
Slash skin for Leo. Update: Slash now has a selectable character to replace Leo. I did a quick reskin that looks like the old Slash figures. Drag and drop the files to these locations: - Content/2d/Animations/Menu/CharacterSelect - Content/2d/Ani ...
Soundtrack from the game Turtles In Time
Turtles In Time SNES Soundtrack. Complete replacement of the music with songs and themes from the SNES version of Turtles in Time. Some songs have been edited to fit the timing of cutscenes and other gameplay moments. In some cases, remixing was nece ...
April Catwoman
Playable Character Catwoman April. Fully playable April Catwoman, voiced by Renee Jacobs. Plus plenty of custom artwork to bring this character to life.
Tiffany and Bepop
Tiffany and Bepop. Tiffany and Bepop in cutscenes with unused sprites. To install, unpack the downloaded archive into the main game folder.
April in bikini
April's pizza bikini special ending. She unzips the top of her costume for the ending. Unpack the file into the game folder.
Green shoes for Casey
Cartoon Accurate Casey (Green Shoes). No more brown shoes! I have included 3 versions in the files. Casey's dark green shoes, Casey's light green shoes, and one where Casey doesn't change out of his golf and basketball clothes while performing specia ...
Intro from the 1987 cartoon
1987 Cartoon Intro. The opening sequence from the original cartoon is upscaled to 16:9 and the sound is enhanced. Just place the Content folder in your main TMNT directory and you're done!
Music in the main menu from the game Turtles in Time
Turtles in Time Arcade PIZZA POWER Theme for Main Menu. This mod replaces the standard music in the main menu with new music from another game about turtles. Installation in this path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/TMNT/Content/Audio/ ...
Shadow Jones
Shadow Jones. This is a simple dark recolor of Casey Jones with some red highlights. Update version 2: - changed Casey's hair to white - removed the red highlights and turned them into glowing red eyes Installation in this path /SteamLibrary/stea ...
Berserk Jones
Berserker Jones. Tanned skin and white clothes are recolored for Casey Jones. Installation at this path /SteamLibrary/steamapps/commos/TMNT/Content/2d/Animations/Players/Casey.
Turtle colors from Mirage Studios
Mirage Comic Colors. Based on the color versions of the original comics from Mirage Studios. Turtles: red masks, brown bandages on arms and legs, dark green shells. April: Blue denim overalls, brown boots and darker hair, brown bracers and boots.
The picture is like on an old TV
TMNT CRT Filter. This mod adds an image filter to give you a nostalgic feel while playing on modern devices. Unpack into the main game folder.
Retro bosses
Retro Bosses. Famicom/NES color palettes for bosses. Installation: Place all files in /TMNT/Content.