Oblivion Gate Allied Patrols

Allied Oblivion Gate Patrols. Randomly adds groups of allied patrols to the Oblivion Gate. This mod randomly assigns allied groups of people from different factions in the game to most of the Oblivion Gates in Cyrodiil (2/3 chance of meeting someone) ...
Companion Boromir

CM Boromir Companion. This mod adds a new companion to the game, which is based on the character from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Boromir. You can find him in the King and Queen tavern in the Elven Gardens area of the Imperial City. He is equipp ...
More powerful vampire Hindaril

Stronger Hindaril. Remember that vampire from the Vampire Cure quest that you had to kill for his ashes? A vampire who was apparently so powerful that he was locked in a cave to prevent him from destroying Cyrodiil? Were you disappointed when you kil ...
Riding dragon

The mod adds a spell to summon a dragon which can be used as a partner in battles, as an air transport and as a portable endless bag where you can put everything you want The spell is automatically added to your inventory after activating the mod. T ...