Equipment "Weiss"

Aigis Weiss equipments. This mod adds the Weiss character armor set from the game Aigis. Equipment is divided into weapons, shields, upper body, lower body, gloves and boots. Accessories include an amulet, cloak and ring. Weapons include a dagger, l ...
Baron's Armor

Baron Armor for HGEC. This mod adds new unique armor in three colors: white, black and black-red. All armor falls into the category of heavy armor. You can find all this armor in a small chest in the Imperial City (see screenshot).
Armor Ami from the game SOUL CALIBUR 4

R18PN 04 — Amy AM Set S M L size for HGEC (Russian translation). The mod adds Ami's armor set from SOULCALIBUR IV for Oblivion. Description: Armor refers to light armor. Made in three colors (red, white and black) and consists of a corset, underw ...