The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
Women's Light Armor Set

2 amazing new sets of light armor and clothing for female characters. 3 new women's leather light armor items; 3 new women's clothing items, ideal for pure mage characters; Suitable for any body shape, Vanilla, CBBE, UNP, etc. But the basic ...
Ancient Argonian armor

This modification will add to your game a set of ancient Argonian armor from the time the oldest Zanmirs were built. In the area of the Pilgrim's Cloak, a strange glow began to break through from the bottom. Tail armor will not appear on tailless ...
Crimson Blood Armor with UUNP-CBBE-BHUNP support

DX Crimson Blood Armor UUNP-CBBE-BHUNP LE. UUNP, CBBE and BHUNP support for DX Crimson Blood Armor . Changes to the original: - more peaks on the chest, buttocks and legs - edited esp to support weight slider on bracers - added smp - added missin ...
Translation of the mod - “Crimson Bloody Armor”

DX Crimson Blood Armor UNP LE (Russian translation). This mod completely translates the modification into Russian - Crimson Blood Armor . Texture data is installed only after the main file, with overwriting!
Crimson Blood Armor

DX Crimson Blood Armor UNP LE. Crimson Blood Armor is a new heavy armor set for female characters with a UNP body. It has similar characteristics to Stalhrim Heavy Armor. The enchantment with cold is higher in it. This set is perfect for vampires: - ...
Spartan program

The SPARTAN Program. Adds a variety of weapons and armor inspired by the Spartan soldiers from the Halo franchise. To learn the secrets of the Spartan Program, start by visiting Tonilia in the Ragged Flagon. Next to it is a book and a letter from a s ...
Translation mod - "Women's light leather armor"

DX Celes Rogue Armor UNP LE RU. This mod completely translates the modification into Russian - Women's light leather armor .
Women's Light Leather Armor

DX Celes Rogue Armor UNP LE. The mod adds lightweight leather armor, ideal for a stealthy playstyle. Look for a crafting guide in Riften, in the Ragged Flagon. For a more comfortable game, use full translation into Russian. To craft armor, you fir ...
Carved Dragon Armor Set

Dragon Carved Armor Set. A set of new heavy armor for all races and genders. The set includes: - Breastplate with shoulder pads - Cuirass without shoulder pads - Helmet - Mittens - Boots - Shield - One-handed sword - Two-handed sword - The women' ...
Blood Witch Armor

Blood Witch Armor. The mod adds a new set of high-resolution light female armor to the game. For a more comfortable game, use full translation into Russian. Fixes in v1.2: - Fixed inability to upgrade gloves. - Fixed shoulders and corrected gen ...
Shadow Duelist Armor

Shadow Duelist Armor. This mod adds light armor to the game, which can be crafted at the forge using mercury ingots and leather materials (requires the Elven Smithing perk). Includes light men's and women's (UNP) armor and armored hood (no support fo ...
Animated Shield - "Spell Breaker"

Spellbreaker Remesh Animated LE Port. A mod that changes the Spell Breaker shield to a new look without changing the textures. Animation has also been added.This mod comes with two options: glowing and non-luminous shield that you can choose from. ...
Indoril armor

Indoril Armor - My version. Magnificent Ordinator armor in all its glory. Male and female versions, weight slider, no shoulder pads, two swords, correct inventory items, 4K or 2K, BSA and more. Where to get? (Choose one) - Default: Obtained from e ...
Armor of the "Ruler of the Wind"

Wind Ruler Armor. New unique heavy armor and two-handed sword. This modification will add one set of heavy armor and a two-handed sword to your game. It will be easier for you to find the armor if you have completed the Sacred Trials of Kayn. In your ...
Dark Blade Armor

The Darkblade Armor (Archive Edition) LE Port. This is a port of the ChakraSSE Dark Blade Armor (Archive Edition).