The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
Alessia companion

Alessia CBBE Standalone follower LE. A female Redguard follower based on a wonderful preset by a friend of mine. Features: Class: Nightblade Race: Redguard Level: Levels with player Location: Markarth Tavern Marriage: Yes Body: CBBE 3BA
Companion A2 from Nier: Automata

YoRHa A2 follower. Cute A2 to join your travels. Created as ESP.
Bianca Solderini

Bianca Solderini. Vampire follower of Bianca Solderini. Imperial aristocrat and neophyte vampire. She can be found in the Hall of Death in Whiterun. Features: - Location: Hall of Death in Whiterun. - She's a fan of the original. Hair and clothes i ...
Translation of the mod - “Demon Hunter Vera”

Demon Hunter Vera Follower LE RU. Translation into Russian fashion — Demon Hunter Vera .
Demon Hunter Vera

Demon Hunter Vera Follower. The mod adds a new companion: Vera - Demon Hunter. The inspiration came from Heroes of the Storm. For a more comfortable game, use full translation into Russian. Body: CBBE and UNP. Versions Silver and cat eyes. I ...
Followers of the demons Belial, Mamon, Moloch

Belial Mamon Moloch demons followers. Oh yes, more demons. Features: Queens of the Flame Demon Mamon - Breton race - 6000 years - Light armor - Levels with you (5-80) - She is a powerful pyromaniac, capable of casting fire spells such as flame, f ...
Devilya - companion

Devil Standalone Follower. Sultry eyes, plump lips, a cute button nose and hair that will make even the smallest boy want to quickly become a man. Models CBBE, UNPB, HDT. Location: Falkreath, Dead Drunk tavern. Features: Marriage: Yes Height 100 ...
Yaorenmao - companion

Yaorenmao Dancer Standalone Follower with preset. She will kill with cuteness. CBBE, UNPB and HDT. Archer-warrior-scout with a double katana. Location: Basement of the Night Gate Hotel. Pre-installation is optional. A cute Chinese immigrant who went ...
Follower Kate

Follower Kate. Kate's companion. UNPCM body (no physics). Features: - Race - Nord. - Height - 1.00. - Weight - 100. - Level 100 (fixed). - You can find her in the Heathers tavern (Morthal city). - Your own clothes and weapons (in inventory). ...
Lian Vera - follower magician

Lian Vera - Mage Follower. Lian is a follower of the mage of destruction. Found in the Dead Drunk Tavern in Whiterun. If you want to change her outfit, keep in mind that she is a mage, so don't give her heavy armor. Requirements: - ApachiiSkyHair ...

Jennifer. Autonomous follower. Features: - Race: Custom race based on Nord, with some changes and its own skeleton. - Fighting style: dual wielding with Daedric swords. - Location: Sleeping Giant Hotel. - Marriage: yes Recommended mods: - Amaz ...
Translation of the mod - “Improving the follower system”

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - Russian translation. This mod completely translates the modification into Russian - Improving the follower system .
Improving the Follower System

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul. A set of improvements to the follower system for better and expanded use of followers. There's a lot going on here, so read on for a description of what you get and how. For a more comfortable game, use the full tr ...
Thorin's Ravenclaw

Northern Witcher - Alenzar's Thorin Crow-Claw - Standalone Follower. Thorin Ravenclaw, a druid sword-caster noted by Kyn as a hunter of curses and monsters. A solitary witcher for decades, training adepts including his nephew, a young hunter named Al ...
Summon Dwemer Centurions

Dwemer Automaton Crafting. Create your army of dwarf robots and conquer Tamriel! You will be able to create: - Dwarven spider - Dwemer ballista - Dwemer sphere - Dwemer steam centurion Spells: - Strengthening melee and ranged combat - Strength ...