The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
Mikaela - healing companion

Mikela - Standalone Healer Follower. Michela is an autonomous follower who specializes in fiery destructive and restorative magic, but is quite competent in all forms of magic. Her journey took her to Winterhold and the College of Mages, where she wa ...
Four autonomous companions

PIE Standalone Followers vol.2 (beta). This mod adds 4 autonomous followers to the game: Luciana, Octavio, Alexia, Agatha. All female characters use UNPB or CBBE Curvy bodies. Features: Luciana is an archer who wears light armor and is located in ...
Eve - dark summoner

Eva - Dark Summoner. This mod adds a new powerful companion that can summon various creatures. Features: - Race: Breton - Level: 5-120 - Weight: 50 - Height: 97 - Located in Whiterun in the hall of the dead - Possible marriage - Can summon draugr ...
Baltimore Companion

Baltimore Follower. This mod adds a new cute companion. Features: - Weight: 100 - Race: Nord - Class: Heavy armor - Location: Dawnstar Barracks - Body type: UUNP and CBBE - Possible marriage - Includes steel armor and sword
Companions Crea and Liz

Companion Crea and Lese. This mod adds new companions, Crea and Liz. The mesh and texture are unique and included in each mod. Autonomous work. Support for UNPB or CBBE bodies. Crea: - Class: Paladin - Race: Breton - Level: Min 4, Max 100 - Lo ...
Yakuma's companion

Yakyumi - Follower and Erdi Replacer. This mod adds a new beautiful companion. Class: ranger. In battle he uses a bow and a two-handed sword. Weight 100. Possible defect.
Vito the Vampire Hunter

Vito the Vampire Hunter - Custom-Voiced Male Follower. Vito is a vampire hunter who has problems - someone has put a bounty on his head. If you help him by completing a short quest, he will be happy to join you later. Be careful if you're a vampire - ...
Lady Chloe

Lady Cloe Follower by Engeljess23. This mod adds a new companion with the Body Full UUNP HDT body. Features: - Completely autonomous. - Immortal. - Possible marriage. - The level is the same as yours. - Own armor. - Own weapon. - Two options: with ...
Companion Hot

Hot. Hoth is an old bounty hunting adventurer and a fierce traveling companion. He is one of the most visually minded successors created for Skyrim. Hoth has many unique features, such as the quest for endless bounty hunting contracts. He is a Scandi ...
Companions of Yae Sakura

Yae Sakura Follower. This mod adds a new companion from the Nord race. Features: - Weight: 100. - Race: Nord. - Class: two-handed weapon. - Location: Morthal, Heather Tavern. - Body type: UUNP and CBBE. - Equipment: Orc armor, sword and bow.
Companion Belle

Belle A Beautiful Custom High Poly and Standard Follower. This mod adds a new sexy companion. You can find her in the Wind Peak tavern in Dawnstar. Uses the same body and textures as your hero. He fights with an enchanted sword and destruction magic. ...
Healer Companion Olivia

Wyress Allevia - Healer Companion. This mod adds a new offline companion with unique armor, weapons and spells. She will heal you and call wild animals into battle.
Companion Ren

Ren - Standalone Follower (SoS). This mod adds a new companion from the elf race. Features: - Uses one-handed weapons and magic in battle. - Wears light armor. - Possible marriage. - Found in Markarth at the Silver Blood Tavern.
Adrian's Companion

Adriana is a standalone follower of UUNP HDT. This mod adds a new companion from the Nord race. Features: - Found in Markarth at the Silver Blood Tavern. - Possible marriage. - Age 30 years. - The headdress comes with the hairstyle.
Snow - autonomous companion

Snow - (almost) Standalone Follower LE. This mod adds a new companion from the Nord race. Features: - You can find it in the hall of candles in Windhelm. - Possible marriage - Uses cold magic - Weight 100 - UNP body