The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
Daedroth Titans

Daedroth Titans- Mihail Monsters and Animals (LE version) (''oblivion daedra''). Possessing far superior physical and magical power, ranging in size from slightly larger than a normal Daedroth to a size only surpassed by a Daedric Titan or similar ab ...
High poly hawk

Hawk Replacer- Mikhail Monsters and Animals (LE version). Replace the ugly low-poly vanilla Hawk with a new high-quality version with a custom detailed model, 2k textures, a new nest and exciting sounds. ...
Photorealistic ash

Photorealistic Pyroclastic Ash Spawn LE - A Memorial Mod. The author mixed these images of a pyroclastic ash flow with the original enlarged textures, as well as enlarged ash textures. Smoothed out normals, increased glow maps, and adjusted shading, ...
Blue transparent unicorn retexture

Unicorn – Blue transparent retexture. Retexture for the mod Unicorn , which will make it blue and transparent.

Unicorn. The unicorn is back! 200 years after the Oblivion Crisis, one mad magician somehow manages to resurrect this creature in Skyrim. You can find the Unicorn and unravel the mystery of its mysterious appearance in an abandoned camp near the Falk ...
Aegis sigil

Aegis of the Sigil- Mikhail Monsters and Animals (LE version). A set of animated Daedric armor created specifically to protect the Sigil Stones that hold the Gates of Oblivion open. These golem-like constructs have 6 arms that deliver merciless, fier ...

Cernunnos. A small mod that adds a new creature to the forests of Skyrim. You will meet them while traveling through Falkreath and the Rift. I also placed a spell book in a tree stump near the Riverwood gate. Good luck and be careful.
Draugr Horse

Draugr Horse Mount - Mikhail Monsters and Animals (LE version). These mummified undead horses, also known as Helestes, were the mounts of the ancient Norse, now resurrected by the same power that keeps their former masters awake. Features: - 1 new ...
Gray children

Gray Children-Mikhail Monsters and Animals (LE version). Materialized from the vague fears of childhood, what could be more terrible than deep trauma, transformed into a solid, terrifying form of flesh and blood, which returns from a past forgotten i ...
Comfortable horses

Convenient Horses. Horses for followers with scripted AI behavior and advanced features, mounted combat for followers, mounted armor, mounted warhorse charge, dynamic faction relationships, cinematic horse summoning, horse whistling, horse talk and h ...

Megalodon - (Prehistoric Content Series Pt.13). Adds Megalodon to Skyrim and Solstheim. Megalodons are large predatory sharks that roam the oceans of Nirn. Some may be spotted in the Sea of Ghosts near the mainland of Skyrim, and even more rarely, ...
Assembly of all Dwemer automata

Dwarven Automatons Pack- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail oldrim mod). Complete assembly of all Dwemer machines from Mikhail. Make Dwemer ruins more interesting, exciting, and dangerous by adding more mechanisms to protect the old homes of long-lo ...
Colossus of Flesh

Flash Colossus. The Colossus of Flesh is a terrible creation of necromancy. Just by looking at them you understand why manipulations with death are treated with caution. This modification will add several flesh colossi and a summoning spell to your g ...
More wolf-like werewolf

More wolf-like Werewolf. Based on photos and models of wolves, this was created (especially in the original version, the placement of the eyes was infuriating, we don’t have a weredeer after all, why were they spaced so widely...).
Mammoth skull

OOI - Mammoths. This mod adds one new item: Mammoth Skull. In addition, from now on you can get four mammoth tusks and one muzzle. Both received new textures and one new recipe (Mammoth Ivory Powder).