The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
Improved Men of the College of Winterhold

BB's College of Winterhold NPC Overhaul Men LE. Changes in the appearance of male NPCs from the College of Winterhold. This is an updated version of one of the author's previous mods. Urag and J'zargo use High Poly heads. Skin textures and body type ...
Improved Men of Whiterun

BB's Whiterun Hold NPC Overhaul Men LE. High-poly replayer of most of the male characters living in the Whiterun domain. The mod affects about 95% of NPCs, except for the bandits from this area. In addition to the residents of Whiterun, the pack also ...
Improved Women of Whiterun

BB's Whiterun Hold NPC Overhaul Women LE. High-poly replayer of most of the female characters living in the domain of Whiterun. The mod affects about 95% of NPCs, except for the bandits from this area. In addition to the residents of Whiterun, the pa ...
Concept art of guards

Concept Art Guards. Implements key features from the Stormcloak armor concept art, including the appearance of the shield and open helmet. 2k textures used.
Seller and buyer of bullion

Ingot Seller and Buyer Nerfed. The new vendor at the Warrior's House in Whiterun simply sells ingots. This is mainly for people who make Hearthfires at home and who have a lot of follower gear to work with. How does this version differ from the ori ...
Enhanced Children

RS Children Overhaul. Repairs the appearance of all children. Some outfits and accessories have also been added. Provides compatibility with ECE/Enhanced Character Edit features (face sliders, basic expressions, vertex editing) for those who want to ...
Priestess Dibella Rework - Eagles

GLAM Orla. A visual overhaul of Dibella's priestess NPC, Orla, making her look adorable, cute, and gorgeous. - She is a priestess of Dibella in the Temple of Dibella in the city of Markarth. - She's a girl who doesn't talk much, so we don't know muc ...
Improved Thalmor

My Thieves Thalmor No esp. This is a mod that changes the appearance of the Thalmor. Body/skin depends on your Skyrim. The texture is all in the folder.
Babette's adoption

Adoptable Babette. With this mod, after completing the Dark Brotherhood questline, you will be able to adopt the ever-charming Babette! When Babette is adopted, she will still offer alchemy training to you, but as of this current version you will not ...
Improved Male NPCs

Pandorable's NPCs - males. The mod modifies a total of 60 male NPCs. But at the same time they will use your skin textures and body replacer. The weight of the NPCs was not affected by the author, for greater compatibility with other mods. For a mor ...
Improved men

Pandorable's NPCs — males 2. Clearly, the men of Skyrim need more attention, so here are 60 more redesigned male characters. As usual, the author made the mod lightweight by making the NPCs use the skin and body mods you installed, and I left the NPC ...
Extended meetings

Extended Encounters. This is a simple mod that adds to the pool of random encounters on roadsides, wildlife and locations in a way that makes the world feel a little more dynamic and alive without negatively impacting game performance or bloating you ...
NPC courier

Courier Delivers to NPCs. This mod will make it so that the courier will now sometimes deliver letters for NPCs. You can make this event more or less likely by changing WICourierNPCsChance (set WICourierNPCsChance to X) in the console (100 - will hap ...
Realistic NPCs

Interesting NPCs Visual Overhaul. This mod changes the women from the mod Interesting NPCs giving them a more realistic and beautiful appearance. All characters are standalone and do not require the installation of additional mods other than those ...
Interesting NPCs

Interesting NPCs. NPC with more extensive dialogue and role-playing options. Over 250 fully voiced NPCs, 25+ followers, 15+ spouse NPCs and 50+ quests. This is a project to add color and life to Skyrim using 3D characters. Each NPC is integrated into ...