The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
Well done Ria, Eila the Huntress and Nyada

Pandorable's Shield-Sisters - Aela Ria Njada. This mod improves three warriors from the Order of the Companions: Riya, Aela the Huntress and Nyada Stonehand. Only their neck and head will change, which means that this mod will be compatible with any ...
Leopardo da Lynchi

Leopardo da Linci. This mod adds a new NPC named Leopardo da Linci, an eclectic and eccentric Khajiit who hangs out in a gazebo on the Karth River, near Solitude. The character is fully voiced, with dozens of unique dialogues; every time you talk to ...
Marianna instead of Lydia

Lydia - starring Marianne. This mod replaces the standard Lydia skin with Marianna, which has high realism and textures in 4K format. All armor/clothing and face paint used in the screenshots are not included in the mod. Instead, only Lydia's armor i ...
Camilla Valerius

Camilla Valerius Overhaul. This mod changes the appearance of Camilla Valerius. Now she will look more realistic and become much more beautiful. The mod is completely self-contained and does not require any additional settings.
Pure Aeri

Younger Aeri plus no dirt. This is a small mod that makes a character named Aeri look younger and removes dirt from her face.
Companions and characters from the Alfik race

Creatures of Nirn - Khajiit Alfiq. This mod adds new NPCs and followers to the game of one of the variants of the Khajiit race - the Alfik. Taking advantage of their small size, they are hired as scouts for Khajiit caravans. They are also used by som ...
New interesting NPCs

Interesting Generic NPCs - Varied Personalities - Faces - Voices. This mod will add over 100 non-player characters to the game with a variety of faces, personalities, dialogue and voices. Each of them has their own opinion about the events and people ...