The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
Malachite ax

The mod adds an ax made of malachite steel to the game. The performance is slightly higher than that of a regular glass axe.
One-handed dragon katana

The mod adds katanas to the game in 2 versions. The manufacturing recipe is the same as for the Daedric sword.
Two-handed dragon katana

The mod adds a new katana to the game. Class: Daedric. The manufacturing recipe is the same as for the Daedric sword.
The Infinity Blade

Mod for Skyrim LE adds a new powerful blade that applies 30 units of additional damage to all attributes. Power attacks can with a certain chance to expel Daedra back to Oblivion or apply a scream to the "dragon". one -handed/two -handed (redevel ...
Match "Ublelag"

Ublelag - Sword LE. Oblivion style sword. You can find him in the Embershard Mine right at the beginning of the game. Go through the shaft and when you get to the prison, in the guardhouse on a weapon rack you will find it.
Sword "Nagling"

Naegling LE Port. This mod adds a sword from the Castlevania game to the game.
Dragon Blade

The Dragon Blade (Skyrim 11th Anniversary). This mod adds a completely new sword to the game. Dragon Blade. The sword itself can be found in High Hrothgar in the meeting room. There are 3 available in the room in one-handed and two-handed versions. T ...
Gnomish Mercy

Gno Mercy. Bita-gnome with the heart of a daedra. Show Gno Mercy. Can be crafted, recipe: - Leather strips. - Firewood. - Heart of the Daedra.
You hope

Khopesh. This is Khopesh. Nothing special. Can be crafted, Recipe: - Leather strips. - Steel ingots.
Broken Blade

Fallen Templar. A broken blade that once belonged to a fallen templar. Can be crafted, Recipe: - Leather strips. - Steel ingots.
Sword of the Fallen Prince

Kanjs - Blade of the Fallen Prince - Particle Light - up to 4k. In this mod I have shared my latest weapon model as a separate weapon! It includes Blade of the Fallen Prince, a one-handed sword from WOW Legion! Can be crafted at any forge! ...
Sword "Dragon Storm"

Dragon Storm. Gothic II (ENG and RUS). The mod adds a two-handed sword from the game Gothic 2 to the game. The sword is the most powerful weapon in the game (the dragon sword has 25 units of damage, the “Dragon Storm” has 27 units). The sword is also ...
Viking ax

Viking Ax (ENG and RUS). The mod adds a one-handed Viking ax to the game. The damage equivalent is equal to an ebony axe. How to get an axe? Forge in the forge in the ebony weapons section with the appropriate skill.
Ax of the Scandinavian kings

The Ax of the Nordic Kings (ENG and RUS). The mod adds the ax of the northern kings to the game. This ax has damage two points higher than the dragon bone axe. How to get an axe? Forge at the forge in the dragon weapons section with the appropriate s ...
Archangel Sword

Archangel Sword. HoMM 5 (ENG and RUS). The mod adds the Archangel sword from the game Heroes of Might and Magic 5 to the game. The sword has characteristics similar to a Daedric two-handed sword. The sword can be forged at the forge in the “Daedric” ...