The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
Weapons from the movie "The Lord of the Rings"

Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection. This mod adds a large number of different weapons from the film The Lord of the Rings. Everything can be made only in the Lunar Forge. Some swords can be purchased from Yorlund in Whiterun. To get the Mace of Sauro ...
Mehrunes' razor

EnchMehrunesRazor. This mod adds a new weapon - Merenus' Razor, which can be removed from the enchantment at the enchanting table. The weapon is hidden, you have to find it yourself.
Fizza Trident

Fizz's trident by Lime1Light. League of Legends. This mod adds Fizz's trident like mace from the world famous game League of Legends. This trident can be made at a forge, with the skill of crafting ebony weapons.
Battle ax

Ebonblade War Axe. This mod adds a new one-handed battle ax based on the "Greataxe of Ebon Blade" from World of Warcraft. The set includes textures in 2k and 4k resolutions. Base damage is 15, applies to Daedric weapons.

Whips. This mod adds a new weapon - whips. The whips were created by an unknown craftsman from magical ebony. They are hidden in a cache (hollow tree) behind the Riften stables (unique, no respawn). Features: 01. Whip “Discipline” - upon impact, ab ...
Steel Dragon Weapon

Dragon Steel Weapons. This mod adds a full set of weapons with 2 texture versions. One set is dirty and a little rusty, the other is clean with signs of wear. Includes bow, arrows, battle axe, battle hammer, sword, longsword, mace, hammer and dagger ...
Rengar match from League of Legends

Rengar's knife by Lime1Light. League of Legends. This mod adds the Rengar sword from the world famous game League of Legends. The sword can be crafted at a forge using a saber tooth tiger tooth (4x), a black ingot (1x) and leather strips (1x). Renga ...
Death Broom

Mother's Broom. This mod adds a broom as a weapon. To get it, go to the forge and make it from wheat and firewood.
Ivory hook

Ivory Weapons. This mod adds a new weapon - a mammoth tusk hook. The prototype of this weapon was Maui's magic hook from the cartoon "Moana".
Mysterious Purple Dragon Blade

Mysterious Purple Dragon Blade. This mod adds a new unique one-handed sword. In shape, it is long and narrow. The model was created from scratch, so rare bugs may occur.
New weapons in one collection

Skyrim Weapon All In One Collection. This mod contains 3 large weapon mods. - Weapons of the 3rd era - Collection of bows and crossbows - New katanas Also, the crafting system has been simplified and some weapon characteristics have been changed.
Hand cannon

Kukatsuo Weapon - Canon -. This mod adds a large fire cannon. With a full ammo charge, you can only fire twice. You can find weapons in the catacombs of Potema.
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Match "9 pin Dao"

9 Rings Dao. This mod adds a new weapon called the Nine Rings of Dao/Dadao. Both one-handed and two-handed. They can be made at the forge.
Chinese sword

Chinese Han Sword. This mod will add a real Chinese sword to the game. You can get it by forging it in a forge or by typing help "han sword" 0> player.additem id 1 in the console
Spartan bow

Spartan bow. This bow has the characteristics of a Daedric bow and can be upgraded and enchanted. Critical damage is dealt by every 5 arrows. You can craft it at the forge using 1 steel ingot, 1 iron ingot, 1 leather strip and 1 bear claw. Also, y ...