The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Legendary Edition
Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all released patches and... Read more
New sounds of Skyrim

Sounds of Skyrim Complete LE. This is an audio project that adds about 460 sound effects to the game world. This affects almost every cell and region in the game. The main goal is to not create a silent environment to enhance immersion. Sounds are af ...
Breathing sounds

Breathing Skyrim Female. This mod adds a ring that starts the effect (and stops if not used), which adds breathing sounds that change based on health and stamina. From relaxed, barely noticeable nasal breathing to panic breathing. Usage: If you ar ...
New music for traveling

Chapter II - Jeremy Soule Inspired Music (by Dreyma Music). A music mod that adds over 1 hour of exploratory music to the game using Jeremy Soule's composing techniques. There are 3 versions of this mod: a replacement for some of the original soundtr ...
New background music in Volkihar Castle

Dawnguard LE - Vampire Castle - Den - Vanilla Replacer. This small mod replaces the standard background music that plays when you are in Volkihar Castle with new music from the Castlevania game. ...
New background music in the Cairn of Souls

Dawnguard LE - Soul Cairn - Cordova Town - Vanilla Replacer. This small mod replaces the music that plays when you enter the Cairn of Souls location. Now the Castlevania theme will play there. ...
Improved voice of the ebony warrior

The Last Vigil -Ebony Warrior Voice Rework- SLE. A small but complete rework of the Ebony War's voice lines, deeper and more menacing than the original, using a shared voice.
New fight music

SKYRIM LE - COMBAT THEME REPLACER - FOLLOWERS OF DARKNESS - THE FIRST. This mod replaces the original music that plays during battles with new music. The Belmont Legacy - Rebirth of Darkness theme from Castlevania will now play during battle. ...
New Nirnroot sounds

Nirnroot Audio Replacer plus. This mod replaces the sounds made by the Nirnroot with something more charming/haunting. The sound is quite long, but also has a deliberate short break between the sound fading in and fading out, so the noise is not cons ...
Sexy sounds

Sexy warrior audio. This mod adds hot sexy grunts and moans during fighting, sneaking and other activities. In total, more than 50 new sounds have been added. During gameplay, use the MCM menu to enable sounds.
Impact sound when parrying from Dark Souls

Dark Souls Parry Sound For Critical Hit. This mod replaces the standard parry sound effect from a critical hit with the parry sound effect from the game Dark Souls 3. To work you will need the mod - Backstab and parry .
Obscene crab

This completely unusual, but terribly fun mod allows mudcrabs to swear. All sounds were replaced with obscenities.
Skeleton walks with trumpet sounds

Skeleton Trumpet Feet. This unusual mod changes the sounds of skeletons' footsteps to trumpet sounds. To install, simply unpack the archive into the game folder.
New book sounds

TB's Improved Book Sounds. This mod improves the standard sounds of opening, closing and turning book pages.