Games The Evil Within 2 Files Savegames The Evil Within 2: Saves / SaveGame (Completed everything on the "Nightmare" difficulty level)
The Evil Within 2
Continuation of the action-horror with a third-person view. You are Detective Sebastian Castellanos, and you are at rock bottom. But when you get the chance to save... Read more
The Evil Within 2: Saves / SaveGame (Completed everything on the "Nightmare" difficulty level)
1509743184_tangogameworks.rarDownload 114.32 kBArchive password: vgtimes
Completed the entire story, collected all the items, upgraded all the skills, unlocked all the costumes, magnum, brass knuckles, movie filter and New Game+
Installation: C:\Users\UserName\Saved Games
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The Evil Within 2: Сохранения / SaveGame (Пройдено все на уровне сложности "Кошмар")
Пройдена вся сюжетка, собраны все предметы, прокачаны все навыки, разблокированны все костюмы, магнум, медный кастет, киношный фильтр и Новая игра+
Установка: C:\Users\UserName\Saved Games
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