The Godfather 2
The Godfather 2 is a continuation of the open-world action-adventure game with a third-person view, based on the cult gangster films The Godfather. Michael Corleone... Read more
Save / SaveGame (The storyline was completed before the murder of Henry Mitscher, not a single family was destroyed)

The story is completed before the murder of Henry Mitscher Not a single family has been destroyed, which will allow you to enjoy the gameplay Only 5 establishments captured Junior boss 4th specialty Capo in 3rd specialty Fighter (3 pieces) in 2 speci ...
Save / SaveGame (2 best saves without trainers)

Here are 2 saves without trainers: 1: The very beginning after all the boring videos that you can’t miss 2: Mission where you need to destroy all enemy families. +Bonus: There are murder conditions for everyone, new weapons, not a single establishme ...
Save / SaveGame (At the end of the game)

Saving at the end will allow you to enjoy the gameplay without wasting time on long cutscenes. Not a single family has been destroyed in this save. There are keys to almost every member of the hostile families. Your weapon: Silenced pistol (level tw ...