Files for The Lord of the Rings: War in the North

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Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 06/05/2021]

Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 06/05/2021]
Author: aSwedishMagyar
Size: 6.38 kB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: June 12, 2021
Downloads: 967
Comments: 0
Download Inf Health - Immortality Modify Exp Gain - Edit the experience gained Modify Weapon Damage - Edit the damage dealt Modify Gold Pickup Amount - Edit the gold received Inf Arrows - Infinite arrows Inf Items - Infinite items Inf Skill Points - Infinite ...

Trainer (+6) [1.0]

Trainer (+6) [1.0]
Author: Abolfazl.k
Size: 3.33 MB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: January 23, 2021
Downloads: 1259
Comments: 0
Download Author: Abolfazl.k Source: Steam Game Version: Latest Language Trainer: English Quantity Function: 6 Trainer Creation Date: 20.01.2021 Function: Numpad 1: Immortality Numpad 2: Immortal Partners Numpad 3: Here Numpad 4: Item Numpad 5: Gold Numpad 6 ...

Gentle graphics improvements

Gentle graphics improvements
Author: thrive4
Size: 2.84 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: November 4, 2020
Downloads: 597
Comments: 0
Download A small graphical modification for the role-playing game The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, which will give the new look to a very old game. The mod improves the overall contrast of the resulting image and reconfigures the game's models and tex ...

Trainer (+7) from 01/24/2020 [WeMod]

Trainer (+7) from 01/24/2020 [WeMod]
Author: MrAntiFun
Size: 67.52 kB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: January 25, 2020
Downloads: 1462
Comments: 0
Download Trainer creation/update date: 01/24/2020 Trainer language: English Number of functions: 7 During the gameplay, we press the necessary keys (which can be edited) and get the desired result. It may work on a pirated version of the game. Attention: ...

Save / SaveGame (level 36, a lot of money)

Save / SaveGame (level 36, a lot of money)
Author: Isaev__94
Size: 50.46 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: October 21, 2017
Downloads: 863
Comments: 0
Download Hero level 36 and almost a million coins Unzip the archive =>C:/Documents and Settings/Name/Local Settings/Application Data/WB Games