The Solus Project
Solus Project is an action-adventure game with a first-person view, in which the player will have to confront the forces of nature, explore the terrain of an alien... Read more
Save / SaveGame (All secrets collected)

A completely pointless cheat, I admit. Unless someone wants to read notes and diaries. All the secrets for the levels are collected, on two levels even one more than stated (!). 3-4 entries are missing. Save location for GOG version: C:\Users\Usernam ...
Save / SaveGame (To achieve The Fable Hoarder)

This is The Solus project game save file for steam, thah allow you easily get achievement The fable hoarder. After unpack place it at userprofile%\documents\TheSolusProject\SolusProfile This is a save file for the game The Solus project for steam ...