Save / SaveGame (Basic completed, DLC Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine completed)

  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Save / SaveGame (Basic completed, DLC Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine completed)
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Save / SaveGame (Basic completed, DLC Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine completed)
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Save / SaveGame (Basic completed, DLC Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine completed)
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Save / SaveGame (Basic completed, DLC Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine completed)
Author: BeoWulf_11
Size: 2.24 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: March 27, 2017, 12:15 AM
Downloads: 487

Completed the main story and two DLCs.

I have level 72 with me, some additional tasks have not been completed, the treasures have not been touched.

- Romance with Triss

-Ciri the witcher

-The Baron and his wife are alive.

-Radovid rules, Emhyr is dead.

-Bastard Jr. is dead.

-Keris Queen of Skellige. In the end, a good ending.

- Olgered is dead, bad ending Hearts of Stone.

-Syanna is alive and she made peace with her sister, happy ending Blood and Wine.

Branches of fencing and the sign of Aard.

Place the save in: C:/Users/username/Documents/The Witcher 3/gamesaves

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Сохранение / SaveGame (Основа пройдена, DLC Каменные сердца и Кровь и Вино пройдены)

Пройден основный сюжет и два DLC.

При себе 72 левл, не пройдены некоторые дополнительные задания, сокровища не тронуты.

- Роман с Трисс

-Цири ведьмачка

-Барон и его жена живы.

-Радовид правит, Эмгыр мертв.

-Ублюдок младший мертв.

-Керис королева Скеллиге. В итоге хорошая концовка.

- Ольгеред мертв, плохая концовка Каменные сердца.

-Сианна жива и они помирились с сестрой, счастливая концовка Кровь и Вино.

Ветки фехтования и знака Аарда.

Сохранение закинуть в :C:/Users/имя пользователя/Documents/The Witcher 3/gamesaves

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