The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the concluding part of the trilogy of adventures of Geralt of Rivia. In 2022, all its owners received a free next-gen... Read more
A complete step-by-step walkthrough divided into 32 saves for significant stages of the game in key places. Some of the additional quests, especially on Skellige, were not completed - the main emphasis was on plot-significant quests. Both DLS are untouched. New Game+ is available. Passage to the “good” ending.
Recommended mods:
Gear Level Scaling for Next-Gen, The Wisp from E3 2014 Demo, Very Soft Targeting, Fast Launch Next-Gen.
Installation path:
C:/Users//Documents/The Witcher 3/gamesaves
Полное поэтапное прохождение разделенное на 32 сохранений по значимым этапам игры в ключевых местах. Часть дополнительных квестов, особенно на Скеллиге не пройдена — основной упор делал на сюжетно значимых квестах. Оба ДЛС не тронуты. Новая игра + доступна. Прохождение на «хорошую» концовку.
Рекомендуемые моды:
Gear Level Scaling for Next Gen, The Wisp from E3 2014 Demo, Very Soft Targeting, Fast Launch Next-Gen.
Путь установки:
C:/Users/<Имя_пользователя>/Documents/The Witcher 3/gamesaves
Related files:
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