Black Ciri (Netflix Ciri) [1.0]

  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Black Ciri (Netflix Ciri) [1.0]
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Black Ciri (Netflix Ciri) [1.0]
  • 1536762417_netflix-ciri-3284-1-0.rar
    Archive password: vgtimes
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Author: TotaLInsanity
Size: 2.44 MB
Uploaded by: JoeOwl
Date: September 12, 2018, 05:26 PM
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Netflix Ciri changes Cirilla's skin color to black. The mod was made after the news that Netflix is ​​looking for an Asian or black actress to play Ciri

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Черная Цири (Netflix Ciri) [1.0]

Netflix Ciri меняет цвет кожи Цириллы на черный. Мод был сделан после новости о том, что Netflix ищет на роль Цири азиатку или чернокожую актрису

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