Increased Draw Distance for Toussaint [1.0]

  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Increased Draw Distance for Toussaint [1.0]
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Increased Draw Distance for Toussaint [1.0]
  • 1545228184_modiddfortoussaint-3425-1-1544931230.7z
    Archive password: vgtimes
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Author: Sahir26
Size: 358.19 kB
Uploaded by: JoeOwl
Date: December 19, 2018, 05:03 PM
Downloads: 667

Increased Draw Distance for Toussaint increases the draw distance for the Toussaint region in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. An earlier version of the original modification did not work in Toussaint, but the latest update solves this problem.

To work you will need the original Increased Draw Distance, as well as modBootstrap and Utilities and Shared imports.

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Увеличенная дальность прорисовки для Туссента (Increased Draw Distance for Toussaint) [1.0]

Increased Draw Distance for Toussaint увеличивает дальность прорисовки для региона "Туссент" в The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Ранняя версия оригинальной модификации не работала в Туссенте, однако свежее обновление решает эту проблему.

Для работы потребуется оригинальная Increased Draw Distance, а также modBootstrap and Utilities и Shared imports.

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