The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the concluding part of the trilogy of adventures of Geralt of Rivia. In 2022, all its owners received a free next-gen update to The... Read more
The game has many disadvantages: the combat system, the leveling system, a weak antagonist, etc. But everything is covered by the staging and direction of the cutscenes. I played through the game for the first time for the cutscenes, you can watch them forever. They overshadow all the negatives, covering and elevating the game to the top of the best of all time. That's why the rating is 10 out of 10
В игре много минусов боевая система, система прокачки слабый антагонист и др. Но все перекрывает постановка и режиссура катсцен. Впервые проходил игру ради катсцен, их можно смотреть вечно. Они затмевают все минусы перекрывая и возводя игру в топ лучших за все время. Потому оценка 10 из 10