Timberborn is a fun real-time city building simulator with an isometric camera view. The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic future world in which humanity has... Read more
Waterfall Gorge

Original title: Waterfall Gorge. Small (64x96) custom map. Lightweight, but low in metal.
Weeping Towers

Original title: Weeping Towers. A map with massive obstacles everywhere. Feels claustrophobic despite its 128X128 size. There is a lot of metal, but trees and bushes are scattered. If you play on this map, you either need to build tall structures or ...
Mountains 2.0

Original title: Mountains 2.0. New update to the mountain map, there are new water spots and a destroyed mine nearby. How to run: unpack the downloaded files to this path Documents/Timberborn/Maps.
Map with floods

Original title: The Floodlands. A 128x128 map that is flooded every wet season. The lack of suitable places for water wheels makes it difficult for the industry to develop at the initial stage. Beyond the starting plateau there are forests overgrow ...