Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered
Remasters of the original Lara Croft games. The collection includes Tomb Raider I + The Unfinished Business Expansion, Tomb Raider II + The Gold Mask Expansion and... Read more
Antarctica costume repaint

Recolor of the Antarctica suit, matching the version shown in the TR3 pre-release screenshots.
Gamer top

Replaces Lara's standard top with a gaming one. How to launch: unpack Tomb Raider I-III Remastered/1 this way.
Red round glasses

Replaces the Hostler Shotgun so you can wear glasses. How to run: unpack into the Items folder.
Lara in a short top

Replaces her default costume from TR2 and 3 with a top.
Red round glasses

Currently this is only for TR2 and TR3. Glasses replace: MP5 (TR3) and m16 (TR2).
Playable double

Replaces Lara with an evil doppelganger.
Hair dye collection

This mod changes Lara's hair color to the color you choose. The hair color will be applied to each costume, since Lara's hair texture is one file common to all costumes. The various costumes in the miniature are just for example. How to run: unp ...
Juliet Starling costume

This is a replacement for the TR3 Pacific suit.
Lara in the Angel of Darkness costume

Allows you to play as Lara Croft in her Angel of Darkness costume.
Improved visibility for keys

Give rusty keys a copper tint to make them stand out.
Classic textures

Replaces the environment textures of the Croft estate in the Remastered mode for TR1 with the originals from the Classic mode.
Naked Lara Croft

This mod completely undresses Lara. Replaces the TR1 Og suit. How to run: unpack Tomb Raider I-III Remastered/1/TEX this way.