Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered
Remasters of the original Lara Croft games. The collection includes Tomb Raider I + The Unfinished Business Expansion, Tomb Raider II + The Gold Mask Expansion and... Read more
New sand

Replaces sand with a more natural one. Includes 2 versions. How to run: unpack one of the versions to this path /Program Files(x86)/Tomb Raider Remastered I III/1/TEX.
Fire and Blood Improvement

Includes 2 versions. In version 2, the smoke effect was fixed, but the fire became less cool. Fire and Blood applies to all 3 games. How to run: unpack the contents of Version1 or V2 into the game directory, it should be something like this C:/ ...
Classic textures

Replaces the environment textures of the Croft estate in the Remastered mode for TR1 with the originals from the Classic mode.