Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia
Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia is a spin-off for the Total War series of global historical strategies. The events of the game take place in England in 878... Read more
Seasonal Effects

This mod adds seasonal effects to each province based on the current season. Effects include changes to income, food, movement, resupply, morale, supplies, and public order. Special "off-season" effects may occur, such as harsh winters, early springs ...
Variation Pack Reborn

The modification increases the variety of shields, helmets, armor, faces and hair in all factions. Historical Accuracy - Expect to see more soft armor and much less chainmail and leather. For Tier 3 units, particularly English ones, the availability ...
Total Variation Enhancer

Reskin of all units, many variants of faces, beards, shields and hairstyles. - Vikings: lighter hairstyles + fluffier beards, braids, mohawks - Irish: redder hairstyles and mustaches - Scots: fluffier beards + more red and dark hairstyles, some wit ...
Radious Total War Mod

The modification adds 104 custom units and also increases the difficulty of the game. The translation of units is available in the archive; it must be written into the script file. Designed for the latest version of the game with DLC, it most likely ...
Historical Cities and Landmarks

The Historical Cities and Landmarks mod adds pop-up descriptions to various famous historical places on the company map. sup44ik has been translated into Russian (minor errors may occur). Place the data folder in the game folder and add "cities_land ...
Improved graphics

This simple mod allows you to adjust the camera, height and distance, more suitable for taking screenshots, as well as for a better view of the battlefield. Hotkeys: The "K" key disables the user interface for a more cinematic viewing experience. Ke ...
12 moves per year (12TPY)

This mod changes the number of moves in a year to 12. For technical reasons, the New Year starts in March, not January. For this modification to work correctly, you must start a new game. Not compatible with mods that change the startpos file. Inst ...
Unlimited Governors

The standard game allows you to assign no more than 10 governors to control posts, with this modification you can assign them to all your captured areas without restrictions. Installation: Place the data folder in the game folder, add the mod "unlim ...
Cinematic Battle Mod

This mod completely changes the animation in battles. There is a newer version, but it requires the Blood DLC and does not work with naval battles. Installation: Place the data folder in the game folder and add "@@@anim.pack" to the user.script mod. ...
NordoPic: Alternative 3D card style (ALPHA)

The modification changes the hand-drawn unit cards in the game to those in Attila Total War. The mod is at the alpha stage, 117 cards out of 257 (45%) are ready. This mod is compatible with all modifications and will never cause crashes because it ...