Trainer (+7) [] [Kalas]

  • Tyranny — Trainer (+7) [] [Kalas]
  • Tyranny — Trainer (+7) [] [Kalas]
Author: Kalas
Size: 3.95 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: September 10, 2017, 12:01 AM
Downloads: 446

Author: Kalas

Edition: Steam


Language: Eng

Functions: 7

Release date: 09/08/2017

Trainer capabilities:

- Immortality (Inf. Health)

- Instant Kills (One Hit Kill)

- Besk. Supplies at the Campfire (Inf. Campf. Supplies)

- Besk. Attribute Points (Inf. AP)

- Besk. Talent Points (Inf. TP)

- Easy Skills Lvl-Up

- Invisible

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Трейнер / Trainer (+7) [] [Kalas]

Автор: Kalas

Издание: Steam


Язык: Eng

Функций: 7

Дата выпуска: 08.09.2017

Возможности трейнера:

- Бессмертие (Inf. Health)

- Мгновенные Убийства (One Hit Kill)

- Беск. Припасы у Костра (Inf. Campf. Supplies)

- Беск. Очки Атрибутов (Inf. AP)

- Беск. Очки Талантов (Inf. TP)

- Лёгкий Подъём Навыков (Easy Skills Lvl-Up)

- Невидимость (Invisible)

Useful links:

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