Advanced Economics

Rewards for tasks were reduced by 2 times, for sinking ships and aircraft by 5-7.5 times. The cost of fuel has increased from 1 to 10, the cost of food has doubled. You can independently select the necessary parameters for yourself in the Entities a ...
Table for Cheat Engine [b120] [denesco]
Since some of the functionality stopped working, I updated the table. First you need to click "Enable Scripts" for the remaining functions to become available. There are additional explanations in the "About the Table" section.
Trainer (+10) [B119]
Hotkeys and trainer capabilities: Immortality Besk. Money Besk. Reputation Points Besk. Battery Besk. Oxygen Besk. Fuel Besk. Discipline Quick Research Besk. Energy Stress-resistant Team
Trainer (+10) [B117]
Hotkeys and trainer capabilities: Immortality; Besk. Money; Besk. Reputation Points; Besk. Battery; Besk. Oxygen; Besk. Fuel; Besk. Discipline; Quick Research; Besk. Energy; Stress-resistant team.